Plight of the Poet
the writing of Bailey Stone Barnard
A self portrait by the author.
Bailey Stone Barnard is a poet and author of two novels, Monopole and Modern Disparity, as well as dozens of poems, several short stories, two novellas, and a play in verse about playing cards.
While an undergraduate studying creative writing, literature, and art history at the University of Iowa, where he completed courses at the famed Writer’s Workshop, Bailey won a fiction contest for the university’s undergraduate literary magazine. Shortly thereafter, he became a staff editor at the magazine and then its editor in chief. He transitioned his college experience into a print and digital media career.
From 2007 to 2019, Bailey was a staff editor at the luxury lifestyle magazine Robb Report in Los Angeles, before launching its in-house content and video studio. During this time, he also served as a freelance writer for various print and digital publications. He is a veteran of trade shows, press trips, and junkets, as well as a seasoned interviewer, project manager, and video producer/editor. During his tenure at Robb Report, he was interviewed for various television and online media outlets, and he traveled the world reporting on the luxury industry.
Bailey utilized his experience in luxury amid the Great Recession, Arab Spring, and Occupy Movement as inspiration for his 2023 autofiction novel Modern Disparity. His areas of expertise include technology and transportation, which he applied to creating the future world within his 2016 science-fiction novel Monopole, with interests that include physics, engineering, art, politics, psychology, and music.
In addition to pursuing his creative writing, Bailey owns and operates a boutique content and video agency, Media Stone Creative, in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he lives with his wife and two sons.